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Part 2: Whale Troll by Punga Miniatures

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Hola Sons of Nuffle! Presenting part 2 of the project Bait'n'Tackle! For those who haven't seen the other check out here!

Here is the progress I have made on the Whale Troll which is currently 90% done. With final details to be completed when the whole team is done! So below is the rough process of how I painted the majestic Whale Troll

How to Paint Punga Miniature's Whale Troll Beach basing base sand
How to Paint Punga Miniature's Whale Troll


1. Wash of Gulliman Blue over back, head , arms and legs and 75-25 mix of white and grey over the rest, blending at the shoulders

2. 50/50 of Nuln Oil and Laheim Medium over the arm fins (arms)

3. Loren Forest base on the Turtle Shell

4. Zandri Dust on the ropes around the body. (other extra pads a mix of greys and browns) and toenails

5. Rhinox Hide base on glove, drybrushed with Mournfang Brown. Warpstone Glow green for the eye with Moot Green Highlight. BUgmans Glow inside the mouth and any cuts.

Wash of Genestealer purple/medium over knees, boltgun metal over any hooks.

6. A wash of Agrax Earthshade over all the ropes, gear, loincloth, hooks. Reikland fleshshade in the mouth/cuts

7. Rakarth flesh for the sand and a base of 50/50 black and grey for the rock, Zandri dust on the outer base. Drybrush of Zandri dust, followed by lighter grey/white dry brush for highlights on the rock

8. Biel-tan green wash on the turtle shell with extra Agrax wash in the deeper cracks. Highlighted with a lighter mix of Loren forest

9-10. A light 50/50 drybrush of Lothern Blue, Moot Green and Pallid witch Flesh for the soon to be submerged sand. A thicker mix of Lothern blue/PWF for the deeper sections

11. Highlights of ushabiti bone over ropes/loincloth, highlights of Stormhost silver on edges of metal and highlights of PWF on skin

The almost finished product. Will potentially make a video for beach bases in the future in there is interest


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